Friday Free For All: AFK Cosmetics’ Attack On Titan Collection!

My younger brother recently introduced me to the anime/manga Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin, for those in the know), and its brilliant. The characters are deep and challenging and the plot keeps you guessing. So when a fellow redditor Dena announced that her shop, AFK Cosmetics, would be releasing a loose eyeshadow collection base upon the series, I opened my wallet immediately! Dena has previously released a series based on the popular video game League of Legends–and those are beautiful too!


I should channel River Song here and mention….SPOILERS! (if you havent seen the anime or watched the manga)


The lids all have super cute images that correspond with the color names/inspirations, and Dena sent a really nice note too!


The underside displaying all the names. 


And free samples! Because I ordered the whole AoT set, she included 2 sample baggies and a fullsized from the LoL set!


Name Labels of the freebies 🙂



The name list from the order sheet. I kept the following swatches in the same order so I could remember, and for you too! They will be , Top to Bottom: Clean Freak, Female Titan, Potato Girl, 3D Maneuver Gear, 104th Trainees Squad, Armored Titan, Suicidal Bastard, A Goddess?!, Survey Corps, & Mikasa. 


Here they all are in a row! They are swatched over Laura Mercier eyeshadow base in Clean Linen. As you can see they are pretty pigmented without it! I applied with an elf crease brush, using a tiny amount of powder-It goes a long way!


Clean Freak, Female Titan, Potato Girl, 3D Maneuver Gear,


 104th Trainees Squad, Armored Titan, Suicidal Bastard, A Goddess?!, . 


A Goddess?!, Survey Corps, & Mikasa. 


These are my freebies — Surprise Party, Crystal Arrow, and Bronze V. 


All this week I used my AFK to create some functional looks. I do experiment a lot and wear some wild combinations to work, but I do find them to be pretty versatile, and easy to blend to boot!


Day 1 Products used.


Created using Clean Freak, Female Titan, Suicidal Bastard, & Mikasa. 


Excuse my tired face. And camera lines! Seriously something is wrong with it right now. 

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It looks like I put it below my eyes, but I didnt! It isnt fallout either…its shadow and redness from rubbing the sleep away. 


I feel like this eye was dark and brooding…much like the characters can be prone to do. I would be too if I was afraid of being eaten every day!


See the blend? I love hardly being able to tell where one color stops and another starts. 

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Day 2 Products.


Using  Potato Girl, 3D Maneuver Gear, Survey Corp.

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Green shadows seem to bring out the red and gold in my own. 


I figured out that 3DMG, if applied really lightly, just adds a touch of sheer shimmer, so I patted it all over the whole thing!

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Day 3 Products.


 104th Trainees Squad, Armored Titan, A Goddess?!.


I swear I’m not drunk. This is my Thursday morning face. 

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These are a little bit too yellowy for my current semi-tan state but will work better for me at the end of the summer. 

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Sidebar: This lippy is new and its wonderful! They are pencils by Loreal. 


Day 3 Products. 


I used my new LoL colors–Crystal Arrow, Bronze V, and Surprise Party. 

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And there you have it! You should also totally follow them on Facebook for more pictures, updates, and news from Dena! 


In other news, posting might be even slimmer next week as I will be ON VACATION!!!! CHINCOTEAGUE!!!

Free For All Friday! Christmas in Bethlehem

For our first ever free for all, I wanted to share something besides my hands and face and addiction. I went to college in a beautiful town in Bethlehem PA–lovingly referred to as the Christmas City (for obvious reasons). There is a giant Christmas star on top of the hill which is visible for miles, horsedrawn carriage rides, and the oldest bookstore in the world still running. There are luminaries and a live nativity. Christkindlmarkt, a traditional open-air market full of artisan crafts and gifts.

For myself, and I dare to presume many alumni and townsfolk, the most meaningful tradition is Vespers. A beautiful worship service created nearly entirely through the performance of classic and modern music, ending in candlelit carols. Even people with different beliefs find the service meaningful and moving. In college, since I studied music, I was able to participate in this event, which occurs the first two weekends every December–Friday Saturday Sunday. As an alumni, I have the option to come back and serve candles. The magic of flooding the darkened sanctuary with light puts a smile on my face just thinking about it, so naturally I cannot resist the opportunity.

This year, I took my best friend with me to assist. We went up early and spent the day eating and shopping, and walking around historic Bethlehem. Best part? We had a huge snowstorm that day! What an adventure! The campus is so beautiful that I couldn’t resist snapping a few pics of the old stomping ground 🙂


Coming up the street after dropping some shopping bags off at the car!


The domed structure is the bell tower of the church. After the service (weather permitting) the college brass ensemble assembles there and blasts carols over the streets.


I spent so much time behind those stained glass windows.


Bethlehem is beautiful in the snow 🙂